Resignation Letter Template

Download the Resignation Letter Template.pdf

John Doe - <enter your own name>
432 1st Ave- <enter your address>
Saint Paul, MN 91011
15 December 20XX- <enter todays date>

Michael Peltier - <enter your hiring or clinic managers name>
HR Manager- <enter their title>
Arbitrage Financial - <enter company/clinic/department name>
234 5th Ave, Madison- <enter workplace address>
Madison, WI 12131


<Dear Recipient Name:>

Please accept this email as formal notice of my resignation from my position as <enter your position> at<company/clinic/department name>. My last day of employment will be the  <date of last day 20xx>. I am pursuing self-employment as a contractor and wish to offer you my services through a contractor contract instead. If you wish to discuss this further, I am more than happy to meet with you and renegotiate the terms of a new contract that can commence from the <enter date just after your last day or when you will be ready> onwards.

If you choose to accept my resignation and not pursue a new contractor contract, then please accept my gratitude forgiving me the opportunity to work in this position for the past <enter years or months>. I have thoroughly enjoyed working here and appreciate all the opportunities you have provided me. However, I have decided it is time for me to move onto my next career challenge and this is a necessary step in that process.

I would like to do anything I can to help with the transition, including wrapping up my responsibilities and training other team members if needed. If I can be of any other assistance during this time, please let me know.

Thank you again for the opportunity, and I wish you and <company/clinic/department name> all the best for the future if you choose not to make the switch in contracts. However, if you would like to accommodate my request to change contracts then please do let me know when you would like to discuss this further. Thank you!

Kindest regards,

<Insert your name>